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Consolidated 'Innocence' story



BASE: [link] (sorry I thought i put this before. Stupid me *shotinhead*)

My feet scraped across the floor of my cell. They were dirty, with the long accumulated filth that only a prison could establish. A distant drip from some loose pipe kept my eyes open.

"Hey." A guard groaned. "You awake?" He tapped on the bars to the cell. Then he laughed when I didn't respond. "Ahh, broken prisoners. Gotta love 'em." His voice echoed across the stone walls as he retired for the night. I coughed a little, scratching at my chakra sealing collar. The bulb that signaled it was working properly finally smashed. I felt my strength return. I stood up and walked to the door.

"Hello?" I called. "My collar stopped working." I stepped back from the bars and sat down once the guard's footsteps returned. I fluidly completed the hand signs to summon a wolf spirit. A growling in the dark, windowless cell startled the guards once they stepped into the room. The Wolf materialized and knocked them over, biting at their swords and snapping them in half. I hopped onto the giant wolf and barreled over other guards, running down the dark corridor and bursting through the double doors. I felt moonlight for the first time in 2 years.
It rained, the sun shined, the wind blew. I crossed streams and small rivers that separated the great Iwagakure Mountains from one another. I slept in small piles of leaves and in the moss. I cleaned myself in the rivers. Their names I cannot remember. I caught fish and sustained myself, then turned to the current.

I had to cut my hair. Change my appearance. I grabbed a stick and sharpened a side to it with a rock. It took an hour to get it to be like a sword. My wolf watched patiently, lapping the river water occasionally. I spoke to it as though it were an old friend.

"Once I get my appearance changed, I'll be able to enter Iwagakure freely." I chatted happily. The spirit wolf cocked its head to the side, as if it understood. I smiled.

Leaning over the river, I grabbed a chunk of my hair and hacked at it with the makeshift sword, tearing through within minutes. My hand held seven inches of thick black hair, then set it free into the river. I watched as the clump floated aimlessly away. I heard thunder in the distance, and I stood up.

My wolf whined and motioned with its head to get on. I climbed on gracefully and it took off across the river, hell bent on getting me to my destination.

After a few hours of traveling, we got to the trading outpost, three miles from Iwagakure's walls. There were over 50 booths, each selling food, clothes, medicine, and anything a traveler could need. People walked cautiously from booth to booth, holding bags and backpacks, paying for goods and eating food. I walked over to a clothing vendor and looked at his t-shirts, his shorts and shoes. A cheap, gray tank top caught my eye, with black shorts and under armor. A pair of thigh-high nin-boots completed the outfit. My hands secretly formed a hand sign for my counterfeit money, with 700 ryo.

I handed the coins to the cheap-looking vendor, who eyed me slyly.
"Pleasure having business with you." He nodded casually as I turned away. I immediately thought of a plan. Thunder clapped overhead, and I pretended to look surprised.
"You wouldn't happen to have a changing room, would you?" I asked politely.

His sneer widened to a grin. "Sure do, follow me. He lifted a board on the counter and I stepped through clumsily. I noticed he had two short swords attached to his belt. He grabbed a set of keys and stuck one in the doorknob of the back room. The door opened quietly, and He stepped into the room to turn on the light. The room was filled with boxes marked "Shirts" or "Pants" or "Shoes." When his back was turned, I nabbed his swords from his belt and slit his throat, and he fell in a heap of blood. I quickly changed into some clean clothes and grabbed his utility belt, strapping it to myself and cleaning the swords. I took his wallet and sifted through the coins, then strapped that to the belt as well. My hands placed the swords back into their sheaths, and then I stepped quietly out, shutting the door behind me.

It was raining now, and the sky was black. People scurried to find shelter. Shop keeps moved their inventory to their storage rooms. I smiled evilly and hopped on my wolf.
Ai Maebarae was back, and armed for revenge.
I could hear the messenger hawks startle a bit when I walked by. The Village hadn't changed: The shops were still there, the people still walked in traditional clothing, and I could tell the people were readying for the annual festival. My footsteps were echoing on the cobblestone sidewalk, and I gawked at the buildings, how I remembered where everything was. I snuck through an alleyway, making my way toward Deidara's house.

Half an hour passed, hiding in the shadows and scaling fences. I finally made it to his house, or, where it was. The place had been completely torn down. An empty, weedy plot of land stood before me. My eyes searched for any notice, any evidence to say where he was.


I noticed the sky was darkening, so I stumbled to my house. At least mine was still there. The front door was unlocked, so I invited myself in. All the furniture was the same: a faded ivory couch, the Covered end tables, the kitchen appliances even.

I crept up the stairs toward my room, and slid the door open. My room had been completely trashed, but my bed was still there. I stepped in and slid the door shut behind me, stepping silently across the floor and to my bed. I sat down and saw a dusty cloud poof around me. I smiled and saw a picture of Deidara and me on the table.

I remembered the festival that we finally fell in love at. We had been eating cotton candy in our traditional kimonos. The street had been decorated with Lanterns on strings, and we watched a street performer spit fire above him.
I smiled at him, not realizing that I had a piece of cotton candy on my nose, and he smiled at me with those big blue eyes, and kissed it off. We laughed and blushed afterwards, but we'd been closer ever since.

A sliding door downstairs interrupted my thoughts. My smile turned to a scowl, and I stood up. My hands drew the swords and my feet crept to the door. I heard someone moving up the stairs. My arm opened the door. I stepped out into the hall, glaring at my little sister. She stood stunned on the second-to-top step.

"Ai--" She started.
"You want me to be gone?" I uttered angrily. "You want me dead?" I took a step toward her. "Then why not kill me yourself!" I shoved her and she tumbled down the stairs.
"Ai-- I'm so sorry--"
I grabbed her throat and hoisted her up.
"You are not sorry. You're just a scared little brat." I dropped the swords and punched her across the room. She slammed into the wall, coughing up some blood.
"Ai, I--" She blabbed.
"Just shut up!! You slaughtered mom-- dad-- even little Kouta! Your own baby brother!" I screamed and stormed over to her. "You framed me for their murders and got off scot free!" I kicked her in the side. She coughed up some more blood. "Kayri!" I screamed and kicked her again.
"Ai-- Please!" She rolled over in pain and struggled to her feet. "I want a family again!" She started crying, her long black hair covering her face. "I want you to be my sister!"

I picked up a sword and threw it at her.
Kayri dodged gracefully, pulling four shuriken from her pocket and chucked them at me.

I summoned a panther. Its black eyes glowed menacingly; it's matching black fur shined in the lamplight. It's back arched slightly and it growled at my little sister.
I pointed at Kayri. "Go."
The Panther hissed, and then leapt toward Kayri, ripping at her weaponry pouch. Her Kunai and shuriken fell to the floor in a clatter once the pouch was destroyed. The frightened girl punched at the dark spirit, who growled and snapped at her hands. I took it upon myself to smash the lights in the room, catching the drapes on fire. Smiling at my work, I watched what the panther was doing. Eventually the entire room was covered in flames, and the Panther vanished in a puff of black smoke. My Sister was bloody, scratched and bit to shreds. My hands picked up my swords and ripped at her, blood splattering onto the burning walls.

She was bawling now. "Ai, I don't want to fight you! I was alone all this time--" Kayri screamed as I stabbed her in the gut. She gasped, and then I backed up.

"What would you EVER know about being alone!?" I yelled darkly. "I was in solitary confinement for two years, with only my memories to keep my mind sane!? You had an entire village at your command, with your sob stories and guilt trips!" I grasped my other sword and thrust it into her gut, making her gasp again, this time she coughed up some blood. She reeled at me and scratched me with a small sword, and I cringed. She looked at me in anguish.

"You want to fight?" She spat, more blood covering the floor. I took to the burning stairs, running to my room and grabbed the photo of Deidara and me. I stuffed it in my weapon's pouch and dashed downstairs again. She stood awkwardly, coughing up blood in the smoke filled room. My legs leapt me toward her, and I started to punch her, over and over until she was a bloody pulp.

My Un-identical twin fell to the floor, gasping, sobbing, and coughing. I glared at her for a moment, and then grabbed her by the neck. She didn't move, and I threw her next to the burning couch, instantly catching her clothes into flames. She yelled in agony, but I just left the house. Kayri's screams were drowned out by the roar of the flames, and I snuck over the gate and ran away from that place. I continued to run until I met the gates of the city. I scaled them and took into the mountains.

Once a safe distance I looked back toward my home. The black smoke filled the night sky, and I looked toward the west.

I blinked. Looking down at my gut, I saw that my wound was deeper than I thought. I'd lost a bit of blood. I sat on a nearby rock and began healing myself. My hand glowed a soothing blue green, and my wound started to heal.

I had a long, long way to go if I was to find Deidara.
I watched the stars as the sky dimmed. Two days had passed since Kayri's death. I knew now that I would never be able to return to Iwagakure. I had no home now. I sat on a small pile of leaves in an abandoned cougar's den. Nestling down and pulling the photo from my weapon pouch, I studied my previous life.

Deidara and I were sitting in a meadow, the long and lush yellow grass danced in the wind around us. We were in ceremonial Kimonos, waiting for the fireworks to start.
He laughed at something I couldn't recall, and took a bite from his onigiri. Looking up, I pointed at the constellations. He laughed jokingly at me. "You really are smart, aren't you?" I smiled innocently at him. Nibbling on my onigiri, I looked back to the village. The lights twinkled quietly, and I could hear faint laughter and endless talking. The voices of my comrades and fellow townspeople melded together into one. I saw on the edge of my eye that Deidara had finished his Onigiri, and sat uncomfortably. I looked at him, half blushing. His fists clenched on his knees, turning his knuckles white.

"Deidara?" I asked politely. "What's wrong?"
He looked at me, half blushing and startled. "I-It's nothing." His Ice blue eyes flickered.
"I know when something's up with you. I've known you forever." I smiled reassuringly.
"It's my dad." He looked at the ground. I knew immediately what he was talking about. His Dad was a heavy alcoholic, bringing two bottles of Sake home each night. He's hit Deidara if he didn't bring him his shot glasses.

"What did he do now?" I asked sympathetically, quietly finishing my onigiri.
"He killed himself. And my mom." He scowled. "He was so drunk he didn't know who she was. He thought she was a burglar and stabbed her to death. Then when he sobered, he took a knife to his throat."
I gasped, then immediately gave him a hug. The fireworks were starting now. The blazing colors overhead boomed in the night sky.

"I'm sorry, Dei. If you need, you can live with us for a while." I offered quietly.
"No. I have my own house." He sobbed into my shoulder.
"You know that I'm here." I whispered calmly. "I'm always going to be here for you." I rocked him back and forth for a few minutes.

He sat up and looked to the fireworks. His eyes flickered from sad to angry, to determined and back to sad again.

I turned to the fireworks as well.
"Humans are like fireworks." I reached toward the glowing explosions in the sky. "We're made. We mature. We feel the loss of the other fireworks around us. And when we finally have our chance to shine. . . Then we die." I smiled. "I guarantee that I'll die on the battlefield. Protecting someone I love." My hand closed into a gentle fist. He looked at me in awe, absorbing what I just said.
"Fireworks, huh?" He smiled at last.
"There you go." I laughed gently. "Put the past behind you. Or else you'll go off before you're lit." I smiled reassuringly at him.
The finale started, hundreds of explosions all happening at once. Minutes passed and the valley finally was quiet and still.

"And all that remains is the smoke." He mumbled. Clouds of smoke drifted aimlessly into the mountains.
"The smoke are the memories and ambitions of the firework disappearing." I mumbled in response. "Doomed to roam invisibly."
"Doomed." He whispered. Deidara's long blonde hair blew back in the wind, and his eyes narrowed sadly.
I wandered aimlessly for days. I'd stopped at random towns, showing people a picture of Deidara, asking if he'd been that way. They all replied no, and I'd ride away on my spirit wolf.

Days turned to weeks.
Weeks passed without end.
Was he even alive?
I was so lost.

Finally, I'd arrived at a black market assassin’s trade post. I got a bingo book and searched through the pages, looking for a way to make some cash.

I was startled to see Deidara's face. He was wanted for 1,000,000 ryo. The book didn't say why, but it stated that he was last seen by the Hidden Sand, about a week ago. I hopped onto my wolf and took off at top speed.

It took another two days to get there, and when I did I saw that Sunagakure was on high alert. I learned that their Kazekage had been taken and retrieved. I got in depth information to where Deidara was. I found out that he had joined the Akatsuki years ago. When I asked where the lair was, the guards gladly told me. Well, after a few shots of Sake.

I got supplies for another journey, including food and water. After hopping onto my wolf, I was confronted by the Kazekage himself.

"You must be careful seeking the Akatsuki out." The young, red-haired kazekage said darkly. "They can kill you with a flick of a wrist." I bowed my head respectfully.
"Lord Kazekage, I am grateful for your warning. But I have an advantage on my side." I smiled happily.
"Oh?" His dark eyes narrowed slightly.
"I know one of them." I showed him my headband and the bingo book. "I knew him from times passed." Quickly putting them away, I wasn't going to tell them my real reason for going to the Akatsuki.

My wolf took off over the heads of the Sunagakurean villagers, making some of them duck instinctively.

The sand squished quietly as my wolf sprinted. I thought to myself how Deidara and I would meet.

Would he see me outside, instantly recognize me, and run into my arms?
Would he not recognize me at all?
I worried.
My Journey continued for three days. I didn't sleep, I was so anxious. I rode on and on, stopping at occasional oases to clean myself.

I finally came upon a large mountain range. My wolf sniffed for any traces of life. I dismounted and felt my legs almost give in. I'd sat for too long, and my legs felt tingly and useless.

My wolf growled darkly, and my attention averted to a small hill. Bits of stone jut from the yellow grass.

It stepped over to the hill and pawed at a particular stone.
I cautiously walked over to it and placed my hand on the stone. I whispered "Jutsu Release." Suddenly the hill disappeared, and revealed a large gray stone. I guessed that this was the cover to the entrance of the lair. My wolf leapt at the boulder and moved it inch by inch off the entrance. I stepped inside, feeling a rush of cool air. I heard voices deep within the tunnel that opened up before me. My wolf quietly followed me into the hole. I walked for three minutes down the corridor, the voices getting louder. I broke my wolf's jutsu and it disappeared into red orbs. I heard someone say "What was that?" and instantly froze. Was it Deidara that spoke?

"Deidara... go check it out." a dark voice answered. "We will have no intruders."
"Such a bother, hmm..." I heard footsteps. My heart pounded, and I smiled. He was only feet from me.

"Dei--" My voice cracked. "Deidara kun?" I almost whined.
I heard a shuffle of feet in the darkness. "Who's there?" He said almost angrily.
I pulled out a glow stick that one of the Sunagakureans gave to me. I snapped it and it instantly glowed a bright green. I Held it out. "It's me. Ai."
Deidara stared at me in disbelief. "A-Ai?"
"Yeah." I smiled reassuringly, hoping it would save my life.
"I thought you were still in prison!" I could tell he was smiling, even in the faint light. "Did you get out for good behavior or something, hmm?"
"No. I escaped. And I killed Kayri." I stared at my feet. The stone floor made my voice echo slightly.
"Hmm." He stepped toward me and hugged me. "I'll see if I can get you into the Akatsuki, hmm?"
I stared into the red cloud on his cloak. "Okay." My voice trailed off.

A moment passed and He took me into the room where I heard the voices before. It was huge, most likely a cavern underground, with a huge statue of a multi eyed man with a gaping mouth. The mouth glowed blue, and was lighting the room. Large hands protruded from the ground, and a person stood on each of the fingers. A masked man ran over to us. He'd been standing on the ground. His mask was odd-- It had a spiral patter around one eye. And it was orange. Odd.

"Who's this, Senpai?" He said in a high pitched voice.
"Tobi-- you imbecile, this is Ai. I've told you about her!" Deidara shook his fist at him slightly. "Now go back to your work!"
"It's nice to meet you." I bowed respectfully.
"So Polite!" Tobi almost cried out.
"Tobi! Take over for me over here." A dark voice called from one of the fingertips. Tobi squirreled off, and a dark figure was in front of me as if he'd been there the entire time.

A moment passed. "Who's this?" He asked coldly. His voice was dark. Darker than the room we stood in. And scary. I assumed that this was the Leader.
"Leader Sama, this is Ai. I knew her from Iwagakure." Deidara spoke for me. "She wants to join the Akatsuki."

The Leader's strange, gray circled eyes turned to me. My heart skipped a beat. He had the Rinnegan.

"So what can you do?" His voice eradicated all thought I comprehended.
I instinctively bowed in respect. Staring at my feet, I was able to speak. "I can summon different spirit animals, sir. I'm also a skilled swordsman and a medical Nin." I said in a rush.
"A medical Nin, Huh?" The Leader said slyly. I saw that he took out a small, four inch knife and slashed Deidara in one graceful swipe, which sent Deidara reeling backwards.
"What the hell was that for?!" He cried out, and held his gut. I knelt next to him and peeled away his cloak, revealing a chain mail shirt. I peeled that above the wound and pulled out some bandages. Within seconds I pressed the gauze to the wound and my hand glowed a soothing green. My other hand began to wrap his gut, and in Ten seconds flat he was completely bandaged. I felt that his insides were realigned, as the blade had cut three inches deep.

"Interesting." Leader said coldly. "She's in." He stepped away. "She's on your team, Deidara." He leapt onto his stone fingertip again, shooing the eccentric Tobi away.

I was in.
Days passed one by one. I was slowly introduced to the members of the Akatsuki: Hidan, Zetsu, Kakuzu, Konan, Itachi, Kisame, and of course the Leader. Deidara and I sparred together, as we used to. I found that Tobi was quite the character, and made Deidara scowl in annoyance quite often. I could only laugh. I smiled more than I had in years: my cheeks hurt after a while.

I was taught the jutsu for Jinchuuriki/Beast separation.
Days turned to weeks and I finally was feeling at home with the Akatsuki. Members would come back from missions with scrapes and broken bones, and I'd heal them. I could tell that Leader was happy to have me: he sent members out on more missions and more would return victorious. I felt proud of myself. I felt needed.

Weeks turned to months. I treated every member as a good friend. Konan and I got into girly conversations, which I knew she enjoyed. Tobi and I played tag like little kids when we were bored with sparring. Deidara and I had a lot of alone time. Members of the Akatsuki came to me to rant. I felt at home.

Our team was dispatched multiple times, and now we got a good one. One that I was excited for. Ecstatic.

Capture the 9 tails.
Deidara, Tobi and I were sent out early in the morning. We rode Deidara's bird across the desert, and then traveled by foot for almost two days to get within eyesight of Konohagakure. We decided to make camp almost four miles from it, deep within the Forest.

After a small fire was started, We all sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. It was a long journey.
"Deidara Senpai, I wonder what this Naruto Person looks like." Tobi piped softly, staring at the stars.
"I've met him before, hmm. He's got short, blonde hair. He's also got whisker like markings on his cheeks. He's obnoxious and loud. He's hard to miss, hmm." Deidara explained. I mindlessly practiced jutsu hand signs. Monkey, boar, snake, tiger... I stared into the flames.

I could feel their eyes on me. I looked up at my teammates, and smiled innocently.
"Is this Naruto person strong, Deidara senpai?" Tobi asked.
"Well he's a Jinchuuriki, hmm." Deidara looked at his comrade angrily.
"I'd like a challenge like that." I spoke softly. "My sister only fought back moments from her death. It was pitiful." I poked at the fire with a stick. My head was resting on my knees. Tobi and Deidara looked at me oddly, and I ignored them. After a few minutes, I looked up to the sky. The stars twinkled aimlessly.

After a few hours, Tobi and Deidara had fallen asleep. I shut my eyes and prepared to sleep as well. I heard a noise in a bush about 20 yards away. I jolted upright.

Listening intently, I heard breathing. I heard someone pulling out a weapon.
"Guys." I spoke softly. When they didn't move, I kicked them. "Get up."

They sat upright, and Tobi alerted before Deidara did. I stood up and pulled a kunai from my pouch. "Come out!" I yelled. I saw a shadow rise from the bushes, and take a step toward us. He had semi-short black hair and wore a white kimono style shirt. He carried a sword.

"Who are you?" Deidara scowled. "You look like Itachi-San."
The boy scowled. "I am Sasuke Uchiha. Itachi's Younger brother."
"I thought Itachi killed his entire family." I turned to Deidara.
"Whatever. He's outnumbered." Tobi piped in.
"Tobi: no. You go get the Naruto boy. I know you can handle it. We'll hold Sasuke here off." I said.
"You go with him, Ai." Deidara stepped in. "I've got a bone to pick with the Uchihas." I took a step back and followed Tobi. The trees whizzed by as I leapt through the branches. Within minutes we'd reached the wall. Tobi got us over unnoticed.

After a few minutes with my ninja dog looking for him, we found him sleeping in a small apartment. We snuck in silently through the window and slapped a Chakra seal on him. Multiple chakra seals. And to be safe, I hit one of his pressure points on his neck and he went limp. "What is this!?" He cried out, but Tobi slung him onto his shoulder and we took off. I was surprised at how easy it was.

After we escaped from the Village, I summoned my spirit wolf.
"Tobi, I'm going to help Deidara. Take Naruto back to the Akatsuki for us." The masked kidnapper mounted the spirit steed and took off.

I heard rustling and grunting. They were in close hand combat. I remembered that Deidara was no good at it, and took off toward the fight.
I leapt in front of Deidara, grabbing Sasuke's incoming chakra sword and ripped it from his hand. I flung it deep into a tree. In less than a second my hand flew into my weaponry pouch and grabbed a kunai. I slashed at the boy, who dodged roboticly. Quickly looking to Deidara, he's been slashed across the chest. I threw my food pills to him and ran off to fight this Sasuke fellow.

I realized he had jumped high into the tree branches. I could barely see him. He was peeking around a clump of green leaves. I growled and summoned an army of spirit birds. The hundreds upon hundreds of black taloned birds formed and enveloped the boy. He hacked and slashed at them, each leaving scratches and punctures all over him. Eventually he fell from the tree and attempted to crawl away. No success.

They swarmed for ten minutes. When they dispersed, I saw that he was kneeling, protecting his neck and chest area. His kimono-style shirt had been torn to shreds, and he was bloody.

"Retreat-- Or die." I growled at him. 'I can easily summon something bigger." My hands remained in the summoning hand sign: fist over fist, as if I held an invisible staff close to my chest.
"I'm going to find Itachi--" He panted. "And destroy him..." He stood up awkwardly. "I'm going to take his place--" He took a step toward me. My wolf materialized. Another step toward me, and it growled. Another step and I leapt onto its giant back. I grasped at the wolf's fur, and it charged. Sasuke's sword sparked with electricity as he slashed at its chest, with strength I hadn't seen yet.

I realized he'd been bitten by Orochimaru. A black Curse mark glowed as He fought. For half an hour we slashed and scratched, and I held on as My wolf fought bravely. It eventually took hold of Sasuke's arm, and pulled it clean off. I almost winced as I saw it. Blood spattered onto the grass, and He reeled backward in pain.

"That was Cheap, you-- you--!!" He screamed. "I'll never be able to kill Itachi now!" The boy grasped at his shoulder where his arm was. He stumbled and fell.

"Ai!" Deidara's voice interrupted my rage against the boy.
I looked over to him. He was still bleeding. I leapt off and ran to him, instinctively healing him.

"I'll take over from here." He said. "You keep your strength up so we can get back." I nodded, and my wolf vanished.
I watched Deidara torture the bleeding boy for almost ten minutes, taunting him and using him for target practice. I decided it was okay to go to Tobi. I made sure Deidara saw me leave and took off on my Wolf.

An hour or so passed and I was within earshot of Tobi. He hadn't left the forest yet, since the forests around the hidden leaf were so dense and hard to travel through.

"Tobi: I need you to get back to Deidara. I'll take the bijuu back to the lair. I've got a bad feeling about that Sasuke boy." I stopped in front of his wolf and he nodded. We switched wolves and I spoke one more time.

"If you're not back in three days, I'm coming back for you." Tobi nodded to my request.

"Senpai may be a cocky guy, but he's smart enough not to get himself killed." I could tell he was smiling, and I tried to smile back.

My wolf turned away and took off, leaping over rocks and fallen trees. I kept my head low and focused on not crying. I constantly worried for Deidara and Tobi: it was the feeling deep within my gut that told me so.

Once back at the lair, I explained what happened and the others got to work immediately.

I waited.
Hours passed miserably slow. Hours turned to a day. A day turned to two. I got no sleep, watching for my team to return.

The Akatsuki gave me leave to "Recover." But I had no injuries.

I sat on the hill in the middle of the desert. Day turned to night and I still watched.

I finally stood up in a rush.
"I shouldn't be waiting here...! I leapt off the hill and began to summon a wolf, when a black fog appeared a few feet away from me. It materialized into smoke, and Tobi, carrying Deidara, appeared from the blackness.

I saw that Deidara was wounded, burned and scuffed up. He was barely breathing, coughing up soot and phlegm all mixed together. Tobi carried him gently in a piggy back ride.

"Whaa- What-- What happened!?" I stammered, taking a step toward them.

"Senpai set the woods on fire with Mini bombs. Then he tried killing himself when Leaf Ninja appeared." Tobi said urgently. He walked to the entrance to the lair and hopped inside, laying Deidara on the cool floor. Deidara winced, but relaxed.

I knelt next to him, mortified. I used a gentle healing Jutsu and focused on the worst parts, which were around his chest area. His cloak had been singed off, and I saw that Tobi had removed his Chain mail shirt.

Minutes passed like hours, but Deidara opened his eyes eventually. He looked at me in a daze.
"You probably think I'm stupid, huh?" I could tell his face hurt.

I didn't respond, not knowing what to say. I held tears back as I focused my chakra. More Minutes passed, and The entire Akatsuki had gathered around us. Tobi had told them everything. I didn't care who won or lost. I had my family back.

For the next three hours I worked on healing his skin, and I supposed his organs had damage too.

"Deidara." I said after the longest while. "Where does it hurt?"
He looked at me, his blue eyes glazed over. "What do you mean? I'm numb."

My eyes opened wide. His brain stem had been burned. His chakra vessels were severed. I couldn't heal him anymore.

And he was going to die with the blood he'd lost.
I stood up quickly. There was only one way to save him.
The Soul Transfer Forbidden Jutsu.

I summoned the Forbidden scroll, which was slightly thicker than my arm.

I gently unfolded it, revealing old text around something of a transmutation circle. The ink looked as if it were wrapping itself around the circle, guarding it.

Biting my thumb, I smeared the blood in small circles shown on the scroll. Suddenly, the ink itself broke from the page. It grew and spread out onto the floor, glowing a bright blue/green. It hovered about an inch above the floor.

"Ai-- What are you doing?" Konan sounded confused and scared. She knew what scroll this was. She'd studied these Jutsus.
"There's only one way to save him now." I glared at the transmutation circle.
"What?" Hidan said in his cocky way.
"I have to." I stepped over to Deidara and pulled him into the circle and kneeled next to it.
"Ai! There has to be some other way!" Konan yelled desperately. "Just not this! You--"
"I know it’ll be like getting killed twice." I replied darkly, and began focusing my Chakra. "I know the effect."

The Transmutation circle seemed to grab me with the ink: The glowing blue/green ink. I held in place and began the incantation.

"Tengoku no kyōkai de. . .
Watashi no kokoro wa kono kotodesu.
Watashi no jinsei o ataeru--
Dōshi o hozon shimasu."

(By the bounds of heaven
my heart is to this
I give my life
to save a comrade.)

I immediately felt the effects of the jutsu ripping my soul from my body. I felt as if I were being sliced apart, one layer of skin at a time. I couldn't breathe, barely speak, and I almost hunched over. But I continued.

"Souru wa--"
My lungs imploded.
"Tenso--" I felt as if someone was stabbing me in the gut. I coughed up blood and continued.
"No-- Jutsu--!" I felt my body give way and hunch. My soul was ripped. I fell to the floor in a heap. I smiled as I saw my soul further split. One went to Deidara, reviving him. Konan and Tobi were instantly on my body, yelling at me.

"Ai--!" I heard Konan's and Tobi's voices fade as I fell into the black.

I felt like I was a feather on the wind: able to blow away at the slightest breeze.

I was wrapped in a white, warm light. I looked around and saw only this.

I looked behind me and saw darkness. Ahead of me looked welcoming. I thought that this was the tunnel. I sprinted forward, seeing my Mom, my Dad, and My Brother. Kayri wasn't there. I looked behind me one last time, as if she'd come running behind me. I saw figures. I squinted into the blackness, and saw myself.

The Akatsuki held my body, Deidara wide eyed and scared. I could tell he was crying, somewhat. I walked back toward my friends, and I smiled.

I saw the blood on the floor, and the scroll's lettering still glowing. Little did anyone know that the Lettering glowed brighter once the Soul extracted was near.

The Blue-green ink shined like Neon once I exited the tunnel.

"Ai! Ai! Wake up! Ai!" Tobi's and Deidara's screams filled my ears.

I smiled. Half of my soul was within Deidara, supporting him until the day he dies. I knew that I could be visible by now.

"Deidara." I said quietly. He perked up and turned around. The others did the same, and I smiled.

"A-Ai-!" He almost yelled. "W-What did you do!?"
"I gave half of my soul to you. To let you live." I felt myself blush slightly. "But the main consequence is that my body dies." I waved to everyone. "I'll do my best to help you restore peace to this land. Even If you can't see me." The White light consumed me. "Goodbye! We'll meet again!" My vision of them faded, and I turned and stepped toward my family.

"Ai, please, we've waited for you." My mother's warm voice reached my ears.
"Yeah, sis! I've missed you." The little bean sprout I called a brother ran and hugged me.

I looked back one more time. Our family was incomplete.
Turning back to them, I smiled. "Go on without me. I have some business left to do."

My father nodded, and started walking. My mother followed, and Kouta slowly followed. Each disappeared into the White mist, and I looked down.


The Years passed and I helped the Akatsuki get to their goal: Reunite the nations with the Bijuu. I healed their wounds when they were injured, talked to them while they were asleep, giving them strength to go on. I waited until they met their goal, and then felt accomplished. After thirteen years in that tunnel, I saw Deidara join me. He was as young as ever, still cocky and happy-go-lucky.

I took his hand and walked, finally, happily, leaving the Earth.



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xXDarkestRoseXx's avatar
;w; wonderful, absolutely wonderful!